Welcome to the website for the 9th Biennial National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE). This national conference will be held at the Washington Hilton on June 16-19 in Washington, DC.
This year’s conference will be held in person and will be attended by undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, junior and senior investigators, and staff representing all IDeA-supported programs (INBRE, COBRE, CTR, I-RED). The NISBRE2024 will showcase the scientific and training accomplishments of the IDeA program of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). The IDeA program supports scientific centers of excellence and trains biomedical scientists in the IDeA-eligible states. On behalf of the NISBRE executive steering committee, we invite you to join us in Washington, DC, to highlight the activities and successes of the IDeA investigators.
The meeting program includes high-level scientific presentations in a variety of disciplines. The agenda includes plenary and keynote presentations in varied areas of scientific investigation, poster presentations of IDeA scientists, discussion forums, and workshops. The workshops are designed so that the attendees acquire new scientific and career skills.
We expect nearly 1000 attendees ranging from undergraduate and graduate students to postdoctoral fellows, junior and senior faculty and staff from each COBRE, INBRE, CTR, I-RED programs including solid participation by programmatic and scientific staff from most NIH institutes.
NISBRE2024 will provide a friendly atmosphere that promotes opportunities for open discussions and exchange of ideas on science and training. NISBRE 2024 will incorporate innovations facilitating sharing and best practices within IDeA programs. NISBRE 2024 will use new technology, allowing communication among all attendees and opportunities to meet to discuss collaborations and individual presentations. The NISBRE2024 program includes training workshops and scientific presentations highlighting best practices in scientific mentoring and training. A goal of NISBRE 2024 is to maximize opportunities for networking and collaboration. NISBRE2024 will provide exciting opportunities to learn, interact with fellow IDeA colleagues, and confer with NIH scientific and programmatic staff.
See you in DC!
Gus Kousoulas, PhD, Chair
Rick Bevins, PhD, Co-Chair