Welcome to the NISBRE 2024 registration page! Please complete the form below to submit your registration for the 9th Biennial National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE). NISBRE will be held June 16 - June 19, 2024, at the Washington Hilton in Washington DC. Registration will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. In addition to demographic information, we will ask you to select which workshops, meetings, and breakout sessions you plan to attend. You are not required to attend the sessions you sign up for during registration. This information will help us plan for meeting room occupancy during the conference.
Once you complete your registration information, you will be required to submit payment for your registration. Registration fees are $750 (for PD/PIs, Faculty, Core Directors), $500 (for Postdoctoral Researchers, Post-Baccalaureates (Research Associates | Coordinators) or Administrative Staff) and $350 (for Clinical Trainees, Graduate and Undergraduate Students). Due to billing constraints, we are unable to send invoices for payment. All registration payments will need to be made using this form and with PayPal or Credit/Debit Card . Please reach out to your accounting department for specific policies and/or reimbursement requirements. If you are having someone from your institution complete the registration form on your behalf, please ensure you have provided them with the necessary information (demographic information, dietary restrictions, session selections).
If you have questions about registration, please email nisbre2024@getvfairs.io and include “NISBRE 2024 Attendee Registration” in your email's subject line.
If you are NIH Staff or a Sponsor, please see the special instructions at the bottom of this form for using coupon codes to waive your registration payment.
IMPORTANT PROGRAM DISCLAIMER: The session titles, descriptions, and placements (dates/times) listed in this registration form are preliminary and are subject to change. Sessions may be added, removed, or otherwise modified between now and the release of the final conference program. Please do not use the tentative placement of sessions in this form for your travel planning.
First Name (this will be listed on your name badge)
Last Name (this will be listed on your name badge)
Institution (this will be listed on your name badge)
Primary Affiliation (this will be listed on your name badge) COBRE INBRE CTR I-RED NIH Staff Other Other
Primary Role in the IDeA Programs (this may be designated on your name badge)? Please select IDeA PD/PI or Core Director Administrative or Programmatic Staff Member Established Faculty Member or Investigator Junior Faculty Member or Investigator I-RED Entrepreneur Postdoctoral Researcher Clinical Trainee Graduate Student Undergraduate Student NIH Staff Member Other (Please Specify)
Please Specify the Primary Role
Work Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
Street Address
Zip Code
Food and Meal Planning: To help us plan for food and meals during NISBRE2024, please provide answers to the following questions:
Do you have any specific dietary restrictions or preferences? Please specify the dietary restrictions or preferences
Do you plan to attend the Welcome Reception on Sunday evening (June 16, 4:30-6:30PM ET)? Do you plan to attend the NAIPI National Committee Meeting and Dinner on Monday evening (June 17, 6:30PM ET)? Note: this is a closed meeting for committee members only. Do you plan to attend the Lunch and Awards Ceremony on Wednesday afternoon (June 19, 12:00-1:30PM ET)?
Registration Details: Please indicate which workshop, meeting, or breakout session you plan to attend for each day. You are not required to attend the session you select during registration. This information helps us ensure that sessions are assigned to rooms based on room occupancy.
Sunday, June 16 - Pre-Conference Events Closed Meeting for Grant Administrators, Program Managers, and Evaluators (PEARL) Closed Meeting for IDeA COBRE, INBRE, CTR, I-RED Program Directors (NAIPI) Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Research Workshop IACUC and Conducting Vertebrate Animal Research Workshop I do not plan to attend any of these sessions
Monday, June 17th - 1:30-3:10PM ET Please select Tips for Post-Awards Reporting, Publication Compliance, and RPPR Success Science Presentation: Rural Health and Health Disparities Science Presentation: Aging & Cognition Science Presentation: Artificial Intelligence Leveraging the NIGMS Sandbox to Advance Biomedical Research NIH Update on Application Requirements Planning for Translational Impact in IDeA Programs I do not plan to attend any of these sessions
Monday, June 17th – 3:30-5:10PM ET Please select Improving Outcomes for Core Facilities and Increasing Opportunities for Sustainability Science Presentation: Model Organisms Science Presentation: Women’s Health Science Presentation: Computational Science Innovative Approaches for Recruiting and Preparing New COBRE Project Leaders Resources for Mentors and Mentees: Increasing Inclusiveness and Belongingness Harnessing Shared Resources: National and Regional Resources for Structural Biology I do not plan to attend any of these sessions
Monday, June 17th – 5:15-6:30PM ET Please select Scientific and Core Facility Poster Presentations I do not plan to attend this session
Tuesday, June 18th – 1:30-3:10PM ET Please select Evaluation and Metric Tracking for Reporting and Sustainability Science Presentation: Infectious Diseases Science Presentation: Implementation Science Science Presentation: Genetics & Genomics Planning Ahead for COBRE Phases 2 & 3 Considerations when Applying to Graduate School, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Research Positions IDeA Regional Entrepreneurship Program (I-RED) I do not plan to attend any of these sessions
Tuesday, June 18th – 3:30-5:10PM ET Please select Fiscal Management, Carryover Requests, and No-Cost Extensions Science Presentation: Macrobiome & Microbiome Science Presentation: Brain Disorders & Mental Health Science Presentation: Cancer & Disease Risk Meet the Funders: One-on-One Time with NIH Staff Tips for Accessing and Utilizing NIH-Supported Repositories and Databases Building Capacity and Increasing Competitiveness for NIH’s Institutionally Supported Training Programs I do not plan to attend any of these sessions
Tuesday, June 18th - 5:15-6:30PM ET Please select Scientific and Core Facility Poster Presentations I do not plan to attend this session
Wednesday, June 19th – 10:20-12:00PM ET Please select Developing Core Vouchers and Pilot Awards to Accelerate IDeA Investigator Success Science Presentation: Environment & Health Science Presentation: Metabolism & Obesity Science Presentation: Neurosciences Using Community-Engagement Approaches to Transform Biomedical Research A Window into the Competitive Grant Review Process: The Live Mock Study Section Bringing Research into the Classroom: Models of Student-Focused Training and Research Experiences I do not plan to attend any of these sessions
Wednesday, June 19th – 1:30-3:30PM ET Please select Grant Writing Workshop A: Basic Science Proposals Grant Writing Workshop B: Social Science Proposals Grant Writing Workshop C: Training Mechanisms Grant Writing Workshop D: Fellowship and Early Career Mechanisms I do not plan to attend any of these sessions
Wednesday, June 19th – 4:00-5:00PM ET Please select COBRE Directors Closed Meeting INBRE Directors Closed Meeting CTR Directors Closed Meeting I do not plan to attend any of these sessions
Registration Fee and Payment
Special Instructions for NIH Staff and Sponsor/Vendors: If you are NIH Staff registering for NISBRE2024, we have created a coupon code to receive a waiver on the registration fee. This code will need to be entered in the Discount Coupons box when you select NIH Staff from the registration category below. If you are a sponsor whose registration is included as part of your NISBRE2024 sponsorship package, you will receive a coupon code via email that can be used to waive the registration fee for a select number of attendees. This code will need to be entered in the Discount Coupons box when you select Sponsor/Vendor from the registration category below. Be sure to enter your name in the field for Cardholder/Payer and still click the red button below to submit the form. Please email us at nisbre2024@getvfairs.io with any questions about this process.
To ensure that payment is correctly credited to your registration form, please provide the name and email address of the Payer for our records. If you are paying with a personal debit or credit card, please enter your name and email address below. If you are working with an administrative or business office who will be paying on your behalf, please enter the name and email address of the person who will be paying for your registration here (i.e., the card holder or PayPal account owner)
Provide the name and email address of Cardholder/Payer: