Conference Details
Please scroll below to browse our exciting lineup on workshops, keynotes, panels, scientific talks, and poster presentations. More information is available by expanding each session into its detailed view.
NISBRE Conference Program
NISBRE Poster Pamphlet
Organizer: Julie Benson, Associate Director Alaska INBRE, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Organizer: Jessica Garfield, Director of IDeA Research Administration, University of Nebraska, Reno
This pre-conference meeting is open to grant administrators, program managers, and evaluators of COBRE, INBRE, and CTR programs. Join this Program Evaluation and Administration of Research Leaders (PEARL) session to network with others in similar professional roles. Bring your questions and share your experiences related to IDeA program coordination, implementation, and evaluation. We encourage all current PEARL members and any grant administrator, program manager, or evaluator who is interested in learning more about the benefits of PEARL to attend. Please contact the session co-organizers for more information.
Organizer: Scott Seville, President National Association of IDeA Principal Investigators (NAIPI) Director Wyoming INBRE, University of Wyoming
Speaker: Jessica Molesworth, Executive Director, EPSCoR/IDeA Foundation
Network and connect with other IDeA Directors from across the country. Hear from Dr. Scott Seville, the president of the National Association of IDeA Principal Investigators (NAIPI) and from Jessica Molesworth, the Executive Director of the EPSCoR/IDeA Foundation, on upcoming opportunities and priorities. This is a chance to share your experiences with colleagues and bring questions to ask of this experienced group! Please contact the session co-organizers for more information.
Organizer: Sally Hodder, Director West Virginia Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Associate Vice President of Clinical and Translational Science, Professor of Medicine and Preeminent Scholar Chair, School of Medicine, West Virginia University
Representation in clinical research leads to improved health outcomes and decreases health inequities. IDeA programs have an opportunity to increase clinical research opportunities in the states they serve. This pre-conference workshop will address various aspects of clinical trial conduct in IDeA states, including protocol development, navigating the NIH Human Subjects System, and obtaining timely approval for pilot projects.
Speaker: Ricki Fairley, Chief Executive Officer, Touch, The Black Breast Cancer Alliance
Moderator: Olga Kovbasnjuk, Program Director, National Institutes of Health
Panelist: Irina Kirpich, Associate Professor, University of Louisville
Panelist: Nicolette Petervary, Director, Division of Policy and Education, Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, Office of Extramural Research, National Institutes of Health, NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
Panelist: Johann Urschitz, Assistant Professor, University of Hawaii
Panelist: Kristi Helke, Professor, Chair, Medical University of South Carolina
Learn about application requirements when submitting vertebrate animal proposals. This workshop will provide insights on completing the Vertebrate Animal Section and how to minimize the numbers of animals used while ensuring statistical significance and addressing sex as a biological variable. This session will also include tips for submitting post-award IDeA pilot projects that involve vertebrate animals.
Speaker: Della White, Clinical Research Strategy Coordinator, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Speaker: Dawn Corbett, NIH Inclusion Policy Officer, National Institutes of Health, Office of Extramural Research
Speaker: Judith Feinberg, Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry & Professor of Medicine/Infectious Diseases, West Virginia University
Speaker: Shelley Welch, Senior Director WVCTSI Clinical Trials Center of Excellence, West Virginia University
Speaker: Christy Leake, Grants Management Team Leader, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, Grants Administration Branch
Speaker: Dawn Corbett, NIH Inclusion Policy Officer, National Institutes of Health, Office of Extramural Research
Speaker: Judith Feinberg, Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry & Professor of Medicine/Infectious Diseases, West Virginia University
Speaker: Shelley Welch, Senior Director WVCTSI Clinical Trials Center of Excellence, West Virginia University
Speaker: Christy Leake, Grants Management Team Leader, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, Grants Administration Branch
Moderator: Sally Hodder, Director West Virginia Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Associate Vice President of Clinical and Translational Science, Professor of Medicine and Preeminent Scholar Chair, School of Medicine, West Virginia University
Panelist: Carlos Luciano, Professor and Chair or Neurology, Co-Principal Investigator, Hispanic Alliance for Clinical and Translational Research, University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine
Panelist: Clifford Rosen, Director of Clinical and Translational Research and a Senior Scientist at Maine Medical Center's Research Institute
Panelist: Cecilia Shikuma, Professor, Department of Medicine, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii-Manoa, Honolulu
Panelist: Timothy VanWagoner, Associate Professor, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center
All attendees are invited to join the NISBRE2024 Welcoming Reception. Visit with NIH Program Officers and meet other faculty, staff, and students throughout the IDeA network. Light appetizers will be provided, and a cash bar will be available.
We encourage you to network with colleagues during breakfast. Tables will be held for breakout discussions focused on various topics of interest. No reservations are required. A list of table topics will be available at registration.
Jon Lorsch, Director, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health. Updates from NIGMS
Tara A. Schwetz, Deputy Director, Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives, National Institutes of Health. Broadening Our Reach: Strengthening Our Workforce
Join us for welcoming remarks from Dr. Jon Lorsch, Director of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. Dr. Tara Schwetz, Deputy Director for Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives of the National Institutes of Health, will be giving this year’s opening keynote.
Organizer: Rick Bevins, Rural Drug Addiction Research Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
This two-hour session will highlight cutting-edge research and scientific breakthroughs across a myriad of topics. Join us for this exciting discussion and hear insights from speakers working across IDeA Programs. Plenary speakers include:
Laura Stroud, Professor, Director, Brown Medical School and The Miriam Hospital. Women's & Perinatal Health: The importance of Stress, Trauma, and Resilience
Anthony Fehr, Associate Professor, University of Kansas, Department of Molecular Biosciences. New developments in the function of and drug discovery for the coronavirus macrodomain
Sally Hodder, Director, West Virginia Clinical and Translational Science Institute Associate Vice President, Clinical and Translational Research, West Virginia Clinical & Translational Science Institute. IDeA Programs Addressing Rural Health and Health Disparities
Marcia R. Cruz-Correa, Professor, University of Puerto Rico/School of Medicine. Molecular Gastric Cancer Disparities in Hispanics: Pathways to Interception
Gregory Hicks, Distinguished Professor of Health Science & Associate Vice President for Clinical & Translational Research, University of Delaware, College of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Therapy. Developing a Tailored Rehabilitation Approach for Older Adults with Chronic Low Back Pain: Does the Hip Matter?
We encourage you to network with colleagues during lunch. Tables will be held for breakout discussions focused on various topics of interest. No reservations are required. A list of table topics will be available at registration.
Moderator: Fed Bernal, Acting Chief, Research Advancement Programs Branch, NIGMS
Panelist: Yang Zhou, Program Director, National Institutes of Health
Hear from NIH Program Officers about common mistakes in the post-awards reporting process and expectations for citing IDeA grants in publications. Learn about IDeA-specific reporting requirements for the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR). Hear about how to incorporate information that was once collected via SIRS into the RPPR and bring your questions to this dynamic discussion.
Co-Chair: Douglas Sawyer, Chief Academic Officer, Maine Medical Center, MaineHealth
Co-Chair: Mark Creager, Professor of Medicine, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Join this session of scientific presentations for a mix of short research presentations (15 minutes) and flash talks (5 minutes). See below for a detailed list of presenters and talk titles:
Nathan L. Vanderford, University of Kentucky. Taking ACTION to Reduce Cancer Disparities in Appalachian Kentucky. Co-Authors: None. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Katie Cueva, University of Alaska Fairbanks. The Alaska Native Collaborative Hub for Research on Resilience: Alaska Native youth voices on how their communities support young people. Co-Authors: Jessica Saniguq Ullrich, Ay’aqulluk Jim Chaliak, Roberta Moto, Evon Peter, Charlene Aqpik Apok, Diane McEachern, Lisa Wexler, James Allen, Jessica Black, Stacy Rasmus. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Not Listed. INBRE, Short Research Presentation
Zugui Zhang, Christiana Care Health System. The Effectiveness of the Community Health Workers Program in Primary Care in Delaware: Impact on Health Utilities and Outcomes. Co-Authors: Alexandra Maree Mapp, James T Laughery. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Christiana Care Health System. CTR, Short Research Presentation
Debora Kamin Mukaz, University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine. Residential Segregation and Thrombo-inflammatory Biomarkers Related to Hypertension in Black and White Americans. Co-Authors: Andrew D. Sparks, Ryan Packer, Suzanne E. Judd, Virginia J. Howard, April P. Carson, Timothy B. Plante, D Leann Long, Katharine Cheung, Mary Cushman. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Wake Forest University. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Martha Rojo, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Hispanic Faith-based leaders’ perspectives on healthy eating interventions in the Hispanic community. Co-Authors: Hannah Aston, Johnathan Rodriguez, Erickson Feliciano, Carson Guatemala, Janet Lopez. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Not Listed. COBRE, Flash Talk
Emily Zeitler, Dartmouth Health. Experience of Remote Monitoring of Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices in Rural New England. Co-Authors: Laure Bernstein, Jennifer Wenner, Nichole Rogovoy, Mark Creager, Karen Schifferdecker. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Dartmouth Health. COBRE, Flash Talk
Richard Riker, Maine Medical Center. Evaluating Exception from Informed Consent Community Consultation Surveys Based on Measures of Rurality, Age, and Educational Level. Co-Authors: Elizabeth Scharnetzki, Amanda Lessard, Catherine Feutz, David Seder, David Gagnon, Frank Chessa. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: MaineHealth. COBRE, Flash Talk
Co-Chair: Anna Dunaevsky, Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Co-Chair: S. Michal Jazwinski, Professor and Director, Tulane University, Deming Department of Medicine
Join this session of scientific presentations for a mix of short research presentations (15 minutes) and flash talks (5 minutes). See below for a detailed list of presenters and talk titles:
Xufang Deng, Oklahoma State University. Design of a SARS-CoV-2 papain-like protease inhibitor with antiviral efficacy in a mouse model. Co-Authors: Bin Tan, Xiaoming Zhang, Ahmadullah Ansari, Prakash Jadhav, Haozhou Tan, Kan Li, Ashima Chopra, Alexandra Ford, Xiang Chi, Francesc Xavier Ruiz, Eddy Arnold, Xufang Deng, Jun Wang. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Oklahoma State University. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
For Yue Tso, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center - New Orleans. Using CRISPR-Cas9 to Eliminate Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus. Co-Authors: John T West, Charles Wood. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: LSU Health Sciences Center. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Katherine J. Siddle, Brown University. Clinical, epidemiological and demographic indicators of COVID-19 in Rhode Island. Co-Authors: Sarah Bowman, Paul Cao, Genevieve Caron, Kristen Carpenter-Azevedo, Elizabeth Chen, Karen Crowley, Glen Gallagher, Edward Hawrot, Richard C. Huard, August Guang, Sarah Ledgerwood, Farahnaz Maroof, Ashok Ragavendran, Vivek Ramanan, Sharon Rounds, Eric Salomaki, Sean Sierra-Patev, Paul Stey. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Rhode Island Department of Health, Brown University, Rhode Island State Health Laboratory. CTR, Short Research Presentation
Rohit K Jangra, LSU Health, Shreveport. A novel BSL2 system for comprehensive analysis of entry glycoproteins. Co-Authors: Lohit Khera, Stephanie R. Monticelli, Ramandeep Kaur, Upendra P Lambe, Thomas G. Batchelor, Ana I. Kuehne, Cierra Word, Nahomi Guerra-Pilaquinga, Russell R. Bakken, Andrew S. Herbert. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: LSU Health-Shreveport, United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease, The Geneva Foundation. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Steven Ionov, Dartmouth College. Molecular Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Serum Antibody Repertoires in Individuals with Cystic Fibrosis. Co-Authors: Seungmin Shin, Ruth Connor, Jiwon Lee. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Dartmouth College, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. COBRE, Flash Talk
Benjamin King, University of Maine. Inhibition of NADPH Oxidase 2 Improves Survival in Zebrafish Infected with Influenza A Virus. Co-Authors: Brandy-Lee Soos, Alec Ballinger, Mykayla Weinstein, Julianna Grampone. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Maine. COBRE, Flash Talk
Anand Paul, Louisiana State University Health Science Center. Machine Learning-Enabled Assessment of Healthcare Workforce Demographics and Their Impact on HIV and Infectious Disease Outcomes in Louisiana. Co-Authors: Lucio Miele, Meredith Clement. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. INBRE, Flash Talk
Co-Chair: Lucio Miele, Professor, Department Head, Senior Associated Dean of Research, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-New Orleans
Co-Chair: Lawrence Cornett, Distinguished Professor, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Department of Physiology and Cell Biology
Join this session of scientific presentations for a mix of short research presentations (15 minutes) and flash talks (5 minutes). See below for a detailed list of presenters and talk titles:
Prateek Verma, University of Arkansas. Evaluation of Large Vision Language Models on Scientific Images. Co-Authors: Minh-Hao Van, Xintao Wu. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Arkansas. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Russell McCulloh, University of Nebraska Medical Center. Outlining a vision for a learning research system. Co-Authors: Ellen Kerns, Jerrod Anzalone, Matthew Rizzo. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Nebraska Medical Center. CTR, Short Research Presentation
Indra Neil Sarkar, Brown University. Establishing A Statewide Learning Health System with OMOP-on-FHIR for High Need Children. Co-Authors: Elizabeth Chen, Karen Crowley, Paul Stey, Jonah Bradenday, Farahnaz Maroof, Mounika Thakkallapally, Ashok Ragavendran, Edward Hawrot, Sharon I. Rounds. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Brown University. CTR, Short Research Presentation
Shanshan Ding, University of Delaware. Machine learning and causal inference in high dimensional survival analysis. Co-Authors: Wei Qian, Zhezhen Jin. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Delaware, Columbia University. CTR, Short Research Presentation
Hamed Fayyaz, University of Delaware. An Interoperable ML Pipeline for Pediatric Obesity Risk Prediction using Commonly Available EHR Data. Co-Authors: Mehak Gupta, H. Timothy Bunnell, Claudine Jurkovitz Thao-Ly, Thao-Ly Phan, Rahmatollah Beheshti. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Southern Methodist University, Nemours Children's Health, ChristianaCare, University of Delaware. CTR, Flash Talk
Zhicheng Jiao, The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. Multi-modality AI model for outcome prediction of COVID-19 from chest x-ray. Co-Authors: Vin Somasundaram, Zhusi Zhong, Scott Collins, Terrence Healey, Michael Atalay. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. CTR, Flash Talk
Sabrina Duran, West Virginia University School of Medicine. Comparing Readability of American Academy of Dermatology and AI-generated Patient Education Materials. Co-Authors: Jenna Foster, Andrea Medina Gonzalez, John Nguyen, Diane Wang, Zachary Zinn. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: West Virginia University. Flash Talk
Moderator: Lakshmi Kumar Matukumalli, Program Director, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Division for Research Capacity Building
Panelist: Nick Weber, Acting Director, Office of Scientific Computing Services, National Institutes of Health, Center for Information Technology
Panelist: Nathan Moore, Data Science Strategy Coordinator, National Insitute of General Medical Sciences
Panelist: Benjamin King, Associate Professor, University of Maine
Panelist: Youping Deng, Professor, University of Hawaii
Panelist: Stephanie Byrum, Associate Professor, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Panelist: Kyle Quinn, Professor and COBRE Director, University of Arkansas
Learn more about the NIGMS Sandbox, a cloud-based learning platform that provides educational modules focused on various topics in the biomedical sciences. Hear from investigators who have used the NIGMS Sandbox to extend their research using cloud-based computing. We invite you to attend this session and learn ways cloud computing can transform your research, enhance your team’s data analytic capabilities, and increase future data storage and sharing opportunities.
Moderator: Erica Brown, Director, Division of Extramural Activities, National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Panelist: Shannon Doyle, Health Science Policy Analyst, National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Learn about upcoming changes to NIH research grant applications. NIH Program Officers will be on hand to suggest resources for your next application, discuss new requirements important for NIH review, and provide new guidance on pre-/post-award planning. Bring your questions to ask NIH staff during this interactive session.
Moderator: Joseph Fox, Professor, COBRE PI, University of Delaware
Panelist: Dean Madden, Vice Provost for Research, Professor of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Dartmouth College/Geisel School of Medicine
Panelist: Alan Tackett, Distinguished Professor, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Panelist: Sally Hodder, Director, West Virginia Clinical and Translational Science Institute Associate Vice President, Clinical and Translational Research, West Virginia Clinical & Translational Science Institute
Hear about innovative ways IDeA Programs are planning for and extending translation opportunities. Learn new strategies for engaging with non-academics to increase translational impact.
Moderator: Olga Kovbasnjuk, Program Director, National Institutes of Health
Panelist: Alan Daugherty, Director, University of Kentucky
Panelist: Melinda Duncan, Associate VP of Research, Professor of Biological Sciences, University of Delaware
Panelist: Pamela Swiatek, Director, Brown University
Panelist: Josh Baker, Director NV INBRE, University of Nevada, Reno
Panelist: Hal Scofield, Professor, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center/Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Hear about common issues in core facility management, learn ways to build efficiencies in core facility operations, and continue your planning for core sustainability. Join this discussion of core operations, client management, rate structures, compliance considerations, and more. Bring your questions and join in on the discussion.
Co-Chair: John West, Professor, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans
Co-Chair: Joseph Francis, Professor and Director Center for Comparative Oncology, Louisiana State University
Join this session of scientific presentations for a mix of short research presentations (15 minutes) and flash talks (5 minutes). See below for a detailed list of presenters and talk titles.
Harilaos Filippakis, University of New England. Therapeutic targeting of Tryptophan-mediated macropinocytosis in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. Co-Authors: Sarah Lafleur, Windrie Cox, Aidan McGrath-Conwell, Elizabeth P. Henske, Harilaos Filippakis. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of New England. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Stephanie M. Dorta-Estremera, University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus. Modulating the oral microbiota to enhance anti-tumor immune responses in oropharyngeal cancer. Co-Authors: Jennifer Diaz-Rivera, Michael Rivera-Rodriguez, Alejandra Rosario-Crespo, Jorge R. Galan-Ortiz, Edna E. Aquino-Pinero, Filipa Godoy-Vitorino, Stephanie M. Dorta-Estremera. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, Comprehensive Cancer Center UPR, The Alliance. CTR, Short Research Presentation
Thomas Huckaba, Xavier University of Louisiana. Development and Testing of Proteolysis-Targeting Chimeras (PROTACs) as Therapeutics for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Co-Authors: Fasial Abedin, Cecily DeFreece, Xianyou Peng, Guangdi Wang. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: INBRE, Short Research Presentation
Belinda Joyce Petri, University of Louisville. Differential m6A modification identified by direct mRNA sequencing in endocrine- resistant and sensitive breast cancer cells. Co-Authors: Kellianne M. Piell, Eric C. Rouchka, Carolyn M. Klinge. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Louisville School of Medicine. INBRE, Short Research Presentation
Emily Tolbert, Kansas State University. cHPV E6 reduces innate immune signaling. Co-Authors: Dalton Dacus, Rose Pollina, Nicholas A. Wallace. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Enliven Therapeutics, Kansas State University. COBRE, Flash Talk
Akash J. Vaidya, University of Delaware. Repurposing Barley-Stripe Mosaic Virus for Cancer Immunotherapy. Co-Authors: Mruthula Rammohan, Jesal Patel, Evan Gillen, Robyn Logue, Kevin V. Solomon. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Delaware. INBRE, Flash Talk
Hannah Ladwig, Creighton University. Structural Analysis of Crassostrea gigas OAZ-PK RNA. Co-Authors: Rhiannon McCracken, Juliane Soukup. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Creighton University. INBRE, Flash Talk
Co-Chair: Ghada Bourjeily, Director of Women's Research, Lifespan / Brown University
Co-Chair: Nalini Santanam, Professor, Joan C Edwards School of Medicine, Marshall University, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Join this session of scientific presentations for a mix of short research presentations (15 minutes) and flash talks (5 minutes). See below for a detailed list of presenters and talk titles
Erica Sood, Nemours Children's Health. HEARTPrep: A digital health psychosocial intervention for mothers expecting a baby with congenital heart disease. Co-Authors: Kimberly Canter, Anne E. Kazak, Angel Munoz-Osorio, Alejandra Perez Ramirez. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Nemours Children's Health. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Leela V. Thomas, Delaware State University. Influence of social determinants on maternal and infant complications of gestational diabetes mellitus. Co-Authors: Zugui Zhang, Claudine T. Jurkovitz, Mitchell R. Fawcett, M. James Lenhard. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: ChristianaCare Health Services Inc., Sidney Kimmel Medical College. CTR, Short Research Presentation
Elizabeth B. Quigley, University of Wyoming. Sexually Dimorphic JNK Signaling in the Gonadotrope is Important for Female Fertility Regulation. Co-Authors: Alexandra Verosky, Brian S. Edwards, Shaihla A. Khan, Ulrich Boehm, Roger J. Davis,Amy M. Navratil. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Wyoming, Laramie, University of Colorado, Mayo Clinic, Genus PLC, Saarland University School of Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Howard Hughes Medical Institute. INBRE, Short Research Presentation
Lisa T. Jansen, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences - Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center. Impact of Physical Activity Intervention on Longitudinal Glycemic Patterns in Pregnant Women with Obesity: A CGM Pilot Study. Co-Authors: Scott Stewart, Lilian Cheak, Precious Jeffrey, Aline Andres. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center, Arkansas Children's Research Institute. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Leya Givvines, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine. Ovariectomy exacerbates plasma IgE and lung eosinophilia, but is not associated with greater vascular endothelial dysfunction in asthmatic mice. Co-Authors: Abigail R. Patterson, Marina Diioia, Dovenia S. Ponnoth, Shinichi Asano. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: West Virginia Wesleyan College, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine. INBRE, Flash Talk
Shyanna Larocque, Turtle Mountain Community College. Fetal C-Reactive Protein rs1205 Genotype Is Not Associated with Maternal Pre-eclampsia. Co-Authors: Crystal Azure, Hailey Davis, Craig Poitra, Jackie Poitra, Shayden Standish, Tyler J Parisien, Lyle G. Best. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Turtle Mountain Community College. INBRE, Flash Talk
Lauren Covington, University of Delaware. Socio-ecological Stressors Among Mothers Experiencing Socioeconomic Disadvantage. Co-Authors: Destiny Mahmood, Kiara Shay, Emma rcher, Freda Patterson, Emily Hauenstein. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Delaware, University of Virginia. CTR, Flash Talk
Co-Chair: David Rand, Professor and Chair, Brown University Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology
Co-Chair: Holly Wichman, Director, University of Idaho / Institute for Modeling Collaboration and Innovation
Join this session of scientific presentations for a mix of short research presentations (15 minutes) and flash talks (5 minutes). See below for a detailed list of presenters and talk titles:
Umesh D. Wankhade, Arkansas Children Nutrition Center, UAMS. From Conception to Adipose Tissue: Investigating the Role of Housing Temperature on Offspring Response to Dietary Challenge. Co-Authors: Henry A. Paz, Ying Zhong, James D. Sikes, Reid D. Landes, Roy Morello, Samrat Roy Choudhury. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Arkansas Children's Research Institute. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Matthew D Lynes, MaineHealth Institute for Research. Peroxiredoxin 2 protects Trpv1+ derived fat cells from excessive reactive oxygen species induced cell death. Co-Authors: Breanna Morrill, Carolina Cora, Wadak Harbi, Caitlin Ellis, Benjamin Tero, Kimberly Malka, Lucy Liaw. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: MaineHealth Institute for Research, University of Southern Maine. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Caroline de Carvalho Picoli, MaineHealth Institute for Research. The Gut-Bone Connection: Gastric X/A-like Cells and Skeletal Homeostasis. Co-Authors: Caroline de Carvalho Picoli, Jeyrie Ramos Aponte, Tiange Feng, Clifford J Rosen, Ziru Li. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: MaineHealth Research Institute, MMC Medical School. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Cammi Valdez, Northeastern State University. Characterizing a New Longitudinal Mouse Model of Diabetic Retinopathy. Co-Authors: Cammi Valdez, Erica Dotson, Joshua Butcher, Phillip Coburn. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Northeastern State University, Harold Hamm Diabetes Center, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma State University, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. INBRE, Short Research Presentation
Gary ZeRuth, Murray State University. Gli-similar 3 is essential for proper pancreatic and kidney development in zebrafish. Co-Authors: None. INBRE, Flash Talk
Vitoria Mattos Pereira, University of Wyoming. Inhibition of the Cysteine Protease Cathepsin K Attenuates Diabetic Neuropathic Pain. Co-Authors: Cameron James Campbell, Sreejayan Nair. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Wyoming. INBRE, Flash Talk
Moderator: Fed Bernal, Acting Chief, Research Advancement Programs Branch, National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Panelist: Dean Madden, Vice Provost for Research, Professor of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Dartmouth College/Geisel School of Medicine
Panelist: Ann West, Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Panelist: Igor Roninson, Professor and Endowed Chair, University of South Carolina
Panelist: Joseph Fox, Professor, COBRE PI, University of Delaware
Join PD/PIs for a discussion of ways they have improved their investigator pipeline in IDeA States, negotiated for hires in a challenging fiscal climate, developed onboarding and training platforms for early state faculty, and created benchmarks and timelines for project leader onboarding.
Co-Moderator: Charles Irvin, Professor, University of Vermont
Co-Moderator: Damaris Javier, Associate Director, Research Training Programs; Multiple Principal Investigator, Asynchronous Open Online Course Addressing Structural Racism and Discrimination to Reduce Disparities; Co-Investigator, National Research Mentoring Network- Resource Center (NRMN-RC), Institute for Health Disparities, University of North Texas Health Science Center
Panelist: Nora Dominguez, Director, University of New Mexico / Mentoring Institute
Panelist: Rafael Luna, Head of Biomedical Education & Innovation, Novartis Biomedical Research
Panelist: Gus Kousoulas, Program Director/Principal Investigator Louisiana Biomedical Research Network (LBRN), Head-Department of Pathobiological Sciences (PBS), School of Veterinary Medicine, Louisiana State University
Hear about how to promote inclusiveness and belonging. Successful biomedical research efforts including basic and translational research, education, and training should encourage open communication, active listening, and meaningful engagement to foster a sense of inclusiveness and belonging for all. Learn about important resources for mentors and mentees and join in this important discussion.
Moderator: Paula Flicker, Program Officer, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Panelist: Ashley Barnes, Health Scientist Administrator (Program Director), National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Panelist: Thomas Cho, Program Director, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Panelist: Claudia Lopez, Associate Professor, Co-Director Pacific Northwest CryoEM Center (PNCC), Oregon Health & Science University, Pacific Northwest CryoEM Center
Panelist: Nebojsa Bogdanovic, Specialized Faculty Cryo-EM, Florida State University
Panelist: Alan Tackett, Distinguished Professor, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Learn more about NIGMS-supported resource centers for research in structural biology. Hear from NIGMS staff and resource center experts from CryoEM, CryoET, NMR Facilities, and Quantitative Proteomics. We invite you to attend this session to learn how resource centers can be a tool to transform your research and enhance your team’s scientific capabilities.
Join us in the International Ballroom for this exciting session! Check the Poster Pamphlet (available in print, on the NISBRE app, and on the conference website) for a list of this year’s poster presentations. Posters have been assigned at random to increase opportunities for networking across IDeA-programs and cores. Please remember to vote for your favorite poster(s) in the NISBRE People’s Choice Poster Awards available on the NISBRE app. Numerous award categories are available, and winners will be announced during the awards ceremony.
We invite all NAIPI National Committee Members to join for this closed meeting and dinner following the Poster Session to discuss NAIPI business for the coming year.
We encourage you to network with colleagues during breakfast. Tables will be held for breakout discussions focused on various topics of interest. No reservations are required. A list of table topics will be available at registration.
Gisela Storz, NIH Distinguished Investigator and Associate Scientific Director, Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology, NICHD, NIH. Novel Gene Discovery by the V-SOAR Summer Program
Scott Seville, NIH IDeA Wyoming INBRE, University of Wyoming. Updates from NAIPI
Dr. Gisela Storz is a Senior Investigator and the Associate Scientific Director of the Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. She is a member of the National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Storz keynote address will focus on novel gene discovery by the V-SOAR summer program. Additional remarks will be given by Dr. Scott Seville, the president of the National Association of IDeA Principal Investigators (NAIPI).
Organizer: Gus Kousoulas, Program Director/Principal Investigator Louisiana Biomedical Research Network (LBRN), Head-Department of Pathobiological Sciences (PBS), School of Veterinary Medicine, Louisiana State University
This two-hour session will highlight cutting-edge research and scientific breakthroughs across a myriad of topics. Join us for this exciting discussion and hear insights from speakers working across IDeA Programs. Plenary speakers include:
Jason Pellettieri, Professor, Keene State College. Regulation of Stem Cell Division During Planarian Regeneration
Stephania Cormier, Associate VP Research, Director LSU Superfund Research Program, Weiner Endowed Chair and Professor, Louisiana State University. Unmasking the Link between Air Pollution and Respiratory Viruses
Mark Nelson, University Distinguished Professor and Chair, Dept. of Pharmacology, University of Vermont. Capillaries as a multi-modal sensors of brain activity
Deborah Stenkamp, Professor, Biological Sciences, University of Idaho. Development of Vertebrate Color Vision
Corrie Miller, Assistant Professor, John A Burns School of Medicine, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Hawaii. Social Adversity and Microbial Composition during Pregnancy
We encourage you to network with colleagues during lunch. Tables will be held for breakout discussions focused on various topics of interest. No reservations are required. A list of table topics will be availble at registration.
Moderator: Stephen Kogut, Professor, University of Rhode Island
Panelist: Samuel Robison, Associate Director and Associate Professor of Research, LSU, The Social Research and Evaluation Center and Lutrill & Pearl Payne School of Education
Panelist: Judy Kimberly, Evaluation Director, Brown University
Panelist: Mindy Anderson-Knott, President, Partners for Insightful Evaluation
Panelist: Laura Lessard, Associate Professor, University of Delaware & Delaware INBRE
Panelist: Reagan Curtis, Professor, West Virginia University
Join this panel for tips and tricks in IDeA program evaluation and metric tracking. This information is increasingly important for institutional, state, and federal reporting, with impacts on long-term sustainability. Learn about reporting resources and ask your questions to a broad group of evaluation experts across IDeA mechanisms.
Co-Chair: Lin Liu, Regents Professor and Director, Oklahoma State University
Co-Chair: Scott Hefty, Professor, Chairperson, and CoBRE Director, University of Kansas, Department of Molecular Biosciences
Join this session of scientific presentations for a mix of short research presentations (15 minutes) and flash talks (5 minutes). See below for a detailed list of presenters and talk titles:
Kevin Michael Brown, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Elucidation of TgPKG kinase substrates required for Toxoplasma motility. Co-Authors: Gabriel Cabral, Bingjian Ren, Sebastian Nasamu. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, University of Geneva. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Ana-Maria Dragoi, LSUHSC Shreveport. Interaction of human macrophages with Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Co-Authors: Maria Dolores Juarez Rodriguez, Stanimir Ivanov. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: LSUHSC-Shreveport. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Avishek Mitra, Oklahoma State University (OSU). A Novel Class of Channel Forming Membrane Proteins Mediate Heme Iron Acquisition in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Co-Authors: Padam Singh. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Oklahoma State University. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Tirumalai Rangasamy, Louisiana State University. Development of Small Molecule-based Intervention to Combat the Infection Caused by the Superbug Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. Co-Authors: Kennedy Trahan, Duane Jeansonne, Allyson Mohanty-Aldana, John Le, Amit Sharma, Basel Abuaita, Samithamby Jeyaseelan. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Louisiana State University. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Bao Vu, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences. Upc2A: A Key Regulator of Triazole Resistance and Hypoxic Fitness in Candida glabrata. Co-Authors: None. COBRE, Flash Talk
Manikandan Palrasu, Dept of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, University of South Carolina. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor transcriptionally regulates beta-defensin-1 and consequently suppresses colonic inflammation during colitis. Co-Authors: Khadija Kakar, FNU Hamida, Amarnath Satheesh Marudamuthu, Tayler Carter, Kiesha Maria Wilson, Archana Saxena, Xiaoming Yang, Narendra P. Singh, Philip Brandon Busbee, Prakash Nagarkatti, Mitzi Nagarkatti. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of South Carolina School of Medicine. COBRE, Flash Talk
Alia Tereza Sadek, University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville. Resistance and Intracellular Survival of Atypical Acinetobacter baumannii Isolates from a Fatal Case of Necrotizing Fasciitis. Co-Authors: Elias M. Wheibe, Kyleigh Connolly, Christine Liu, Chelsea R. Gutierrez, Brock A. Arivett, Ryan F. Relich, Luis A. Actis, Steven Fiester, Maria Soledad Ramirez, Jennifer T. Grier. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: INBRE, Flash Talk
Co-Chair: Timothy VanWagoner, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, OCTSI Sr Associate Director, The University Of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Co-Chair: Stephania Cormier, Associate VP Research, Director LSU Superfund Research Program, Weiner Endowed Chair and Professor, Louisiana State University
Join this session of scientific presentations for a mix of short research presentations (15 minutes) and flash talks (5 minutes). See below for a detailed list of presenters and talk titles:
Manisha Thakur, Southern University and A&M college. Unraveling the Interplay: Carbon Nanotubes, Inflammation, and Environmental Stressors. Co-Authors: Sanjay Batra. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Southern University and A&M college. Short Research Presentation
Janeese A Brownlow, PhD, Delaware State University. An Examination of Neighborhood Disadvantage and Stress on Objective Sleep and Sleep-Related Fears. Co-Authors: None. INBRE, Short Research Presentation
Emily E. Schmitt, University of Wyoming. The aging mouse as a novel model of nocturia. Co-Authors: Danielle R. Bruns, Nicole L. Bedford. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Wyoming. INBRE, Short Research Presentation
Alexei G. Basnakian, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Modification of the TUNEL assay with increased sensitivity to nanoparticles. Co-Authors: Olena Levurdiak, Shenyang Li, Zach McGowan, Fidaus Razak, Randal S. Shelton, Qinglong Jiang. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, University of Arkansas in Pine Bluff. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Alexa Bostic, West Virginia University. Dielectric Characterization of HL-60 Cells under Microgravity. Co-Authors: Soumya Srivastava. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Not Listed. Flash Talk
Monica Valentovic, Marshall University School of Medicine. Cytotoxic Effects of E-Cigarette Flavoring Agent Menthol on Renal Proximal Tubular Epithelial Cells. Co-Authors: S. E. McGuffey, K.C. Brown. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Marshall University School of Medicine. INBRE, Flash Talk
Dhruthi Mutyala, Southern university and A&M College. Exosome-Mediated Regulation of Proteasomal Subunits in E-Cigarette Vapor-Induced Inflammation. Co-Authors: N.Bidarimath, R.Kondati, M.Thakur, S.Batra. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Not Listed. COBRE, Flash Talk
Co-Chair: James Coffman, Associate Professor, MDI Biological Laboratory
Co-Chair: Judith Ross, Director of Clinical Research Nemours Children's Health DE, Nemours Children’s Health
Join this session of scientific presentations for a mix of short research presentations (15 minutes) and flash talks (5 minutes). See below for a detailed list of presenters and talk titles:
Dylan Feist, Kansas State University. Fine-tuning of Cell-ECM Assembly by Transglutaminase. Co-Authors: Erika R. Geisbrecht, Nicole Green. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Kansas State University, Cornell College. INBRE, Short Research Presentation
Jared C Talbot, University of Maine. Fast-twitch myofibrils grow in proportion with Mylpf dosage. Co-Authors: Adekeye TE, Teets EM, Tomak E, Sprague K, Waterman S, Varga S, Austin J, Rodriguez-Medio C, Hupper T, Shepherd SJ, Amacher SL, Kelley JB, Talbot JC. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Maine, Ohio State University. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Ethan Hackney, Murray State University. Assembly of membraneless organelles in Drosophila germ cells. Co-Authors: Samuel J. Tindell, Alexey L. Arkov. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Murray State University. INBRE, Short Research Presentation
Dionysios Patriarcheas, West Virginia University. Deciphering Glyphosate Resistance Mechanisms: Insights from S. cerevisiae into Mitochondrial Function and Human Glutamate Transport. Co-Authors: Jennifer E. G. Gallagher. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: West Virginia University. CTR, Flash Talk
Daysha Marie Isaac, Langston University. Stalk Cell Movement in Drosophila: a model to understand how migrating cells shape tissues and organs. Co-Authors: Sally Horne-Badovinac, Jocelyn A. Mcdonald. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Chicago, Kansas State University. INBRE, Flash Talk
Motoki Takaku, University of North Dakota. Dissecting cellular reprogramming by genomics and machine learning. Co-Authors: Mika Saotome, Aerica Nagornyuk, Jill Goodman. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of North Dakota School of Medicine. COBRE, Flash Talk
Lydia Ostmo, Northeastern State University. Unraveling the functions of Polymerase Epsilon complex in DNA replication and DNA damage. Co-Authors: Brandy Fultz, Sapna Das-Bradoo. Co- Authors Institutional Affiliations: Northeastern State University. INBRE, Flash Talk
Moderator: Fed Bernal, Acting Chief, Research Advancement Programs Branch, National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Panelist: Olga Kovbasnjuk, Program Director, National Institutes of Health
Panelist: Crina Frincu, Program Director, National Institutes of Health, National Institue of General Medical Sciences, Division for Research and Capacity Building
Join us for a discussion on COBRE Phase 2 and Phase 3 planning. Hear about important components of the COBRE Phase 2 and Phase 3 applications. Ask your questions and get advice on how to prepare for future COBRE proposals.
Moderator: Lucy Liaw, Professor, MaineHealth Institute for Research
Panelist: Kelly Drew, Professor, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Panelist: Nicholas Hubbard, Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of Psychology, Rural Drug Addiction Research Center
Panelist: Donald Sens, Professor, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Panelist: Robert Roy, Graduate Student, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Panelist: Tiange Feng, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, MaineHealth Institute for Research
Panelist: Sarah Rice, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Panelist: Abigail Lind, Undergraduate Student, University of North Dakota
Bring your questions for this interactive Q&A session on applying to graduate school, fellowships, and postdoctoral research positions. Hear from an expert panel of past applicants and awardees on important considerations when choosing a program, questions to ask your top schools, and lessons learned in making the transition to a new institution.
Co- Moderator: Krishan Arora, Branch Chief, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health
Co-Moderator: Eddie Billingslea, Small Business Strategy Coordinator, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Panelist: Prachee Avasthi, Chief of Science, Arcadia Science
Panelist: John Chavez, Managing Director, New Mexico Start Up Factory
Panelist: Lisa Friis, Professor and Chair, University of Kansas, Mechanical Engineering Department
Panelist: Michael Blaustein, Director, Commercialization Strategy and Business Intelligence, University of Delaware
Panelist: Jackie Willmot, CEO & Co-Founder, XLerateHealth
Build your entrepreneurial skills through I-RED! Learn more about how I-RED can support Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. Hear from NIH staff, successful entrepreneurs, and I-RED awardees, and bring your questions to ask the panel!
Do you have a question for your program officer? Want some advice about the direction of research funding? Does your institution need an expensive instrument and you want to know if NIH or other federal agencies could support it? Want to know more about how to interpret your proposal reviews? Are you interested in obtaining funding from the NIH or other federal agencies but don’t know how to proceed? Make time to attend this session where you will be able to ask the questions you’ve always wanted to ask and find out about receiving NIH or other federal agency support in small roundtable settings that give you one-on-one access to NIH staff from many different Institutes and Centers and staff from other federal agencies.
Do you have a question for your program officer? Want some advice about the direction of research funding? Does your institution need an expensive instrument and you want to know if NIH or other federal agencies could support it? Want to know more about how to interpret your proposal reviews? Are you interested in obtaining funding from the NIH or other federal agencies but don’t know how to proceed? Make time to attend this session where you will be able to ask the questions you’ve always wanted to ask and find out about receiving NIH or other federal agency support in small roundtable settings that give you one-on-one access to NIH staff from many different Institutes and Centers and staff from other federal agencies.
Speaker: Christy Leake, Grants Management Team Leader, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, Grants Administration Branch
Hear about the most common questions for fiscal management of COBRE, INBRE, and CTR awards. Learn about what is required for annual reporting, carryover needs, and no-cost extension requests. Ask your questions and get clarification on fiscal policies directly from NIGMS IDeA Program during this informative session!
Co-Chair: Jimmy Ballard, Professor and Chair, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences
Co-Chair: Richard Lamont, Professor, University of Louisville
Join this session of scientific presentations for a mix of short research presentations (15 minutes) and flash talks (5 minutes). See below for a detailed list of presenters and talk titles:
Tasnim Imran, Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence VA Medical Center. Characterizing cardiac microstructure in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction using cardiac magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging. Co-Authors: Daniel Arcuri, Christopher Nguyen, Reza Avazmohammadi, Michael Atalay, Wen-Chih Wu, Gaurav Choudhary. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Providence VA Medical Center, Rhode Island Hospital, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Texas A&M University. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Mabruka Alfaidi, LSHSC. Interleukin-1 Receptor Activation in Vascular Remodeling and Early Atherosclerosis. Co-Authors: Siddhartha Gangopadhyay, Evan Kidder, Meleah Pea, Quartina Henderson, Siyuan Cheng, Matthew Woolard, Xiuping Yu, Mabruka Alfaidi. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Feist-Weiller Cancer Center, Center for Cardiovascular Diseases and Science (CCDS), Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Brigitte E Martin, University of Mississippi Medical Center. Temporal dynamics of cardiovascular response to influenza infection in mice. Co-Authors: Kurt C Showmaker, Austin A Medders, Jacqueline B Starrett, Lavanya Challagundla, Michael R Garrett. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Michayla Moore, MaineHealth Institute for Research (MHIR). BMP9/ALK1 Signaling is Required for Transcription and Secretion of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Marker, ISLR (Meflin), in Human Cardiac Progenitor Cells. Co-Authors: Calvin Vary, Douglas Sawyer. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: MaineHealth Institute for Research. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Carly Michelle Goldstein, PhD, FAACVPR, The Miriam Hospital/Alpert Medical School of Brown University. Using the Multiphase Optimization Strategy and an Electronic Health Record Review to Refine, Finalize, and Prepare Trauma-Informed Interventions to Increase Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation Initiation in a Full Factorial Experiment. Co-Authors: J. Graham Thomas, Benjamin T. Ladd, Wen-Chih Wu. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: The Miriam Hospital/Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence VA Medical Center. COBRE, Flash Talk
Bedia Akosman, Rhode Island Hospital. Deciphering the Role of the SOX17/Runx1 Axis in Endothelial Dysfunction and Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Pathogenesis. Co-Authors: Eui Young So, Mandy Pereira, Moon-Jung Choi, Euy-Myoung Jeong, James Klinger, Olin Liang. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Rhode Island Hospital, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. COBRE, Flash Talk
Sai Prashanthi Gumpili, University of Delaware. Risk factors for cardiac events in children and young adults within 6 months following a COVID-19 infection. Co-Authors: Sai Prashanthi Gumpili, Shubhika Srivastava, Carol Prospero, Ran Zhang, Jobayer Hossain, Suzanne McCahan, Chuming Chen, Julie Cowart, Cathy Wu, H. Timothy Bunnell, Robert Akins, Claudine Jurkovitz. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Nemours Children’s Health, University of Delaware, Christiana Care Health Services, Inc. INBRE, Flash Talk
Co-Chair: A. Courtney DeVries, Professor, West Virginia University, Department of Medicine
Co-Chair: Qian-Quan Sun, Professor and Director of Wyoming Sensory Biology Center, University of Wyoming
Join this session of scientific presentations for a mix of short research presentations (15 minutes) and flash talks (5 minutes). See below for a detailed list of presenters and talk titles
Brad Hubbard, University of Kentucky. Examining brain capillary-specific mitochondrial dysfunction following mild TBI. Co-Authors: Velmurugan Gopal Viswanathan, Sarah Tran. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Kentucky. COBRE, Short Research Presentation Moriah Katt, West Virginia University. Blood-Brain Barrier Dynamics in Ischemic Stroke. Co-Authors: None. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Rammohan Shukla, University of Wyoming. Ribosomal Dysregulation: An Evolutionarily Conserved Stress Mechanism Reactivates in Human Depression. Co-Authors: None. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Anastacia Kudinova, Alpert Medical School of Brown University. Quadratic association between ecologically assessed sleep duration and next-day suicidal ideation in youth. Co-Authors: Jacqueline Nesi, Sarah K. Ryan, Ella Diab, Mary A. Carskadon. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Alpert Medical School of Brown University. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Karthik Swaminathan, University of Wyoming. Ribosomal Heterogeneity in Stress Neurobiology. Co-Authors: Rammohan Shukla. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Wyoming. COBRE, Flash Talk
Katherine A. Berry, University of Wyoming. Anxiety on the rocks: College students’ anticipatory and compensatory urges to drink in response to a laboratory-based social stressor task. Co-Authors: Alison Looby. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Wyoming. INBRE, Flash Talk
Jee-Yeon Hwang, Creighton University. TREM1 Signaling as a Therapeutic Target for Global Cerebral Ischemia. Co-Authors: Hyunha Kim, Rachael Urquhart, Gopal Jadhav. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Creighton University School of Medicine. COBRE, Flash Talk
Co-Chair: Vivian Colón-López, Associate Director, University of Puerto Rico Cancer Center
Co-Chair: Danny Dhanasekaran, Director, Mentoring Translational Cancer Research in Oklahoma (MTCRO) -COBRE & Center for Basic Cancer Research, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Stephenson Cancer Center
Join this session of scientific presentations for a mix of short research presentations (15 minutes) and flash talks (5 minutes). See below for a detailed list of presenters and talk titles:
Omeed Moaven, LSU Health New Orleans. Novel Therapeutic Avenues Investigating the Use of Engineered Oncolytic Viruses That target Tumor Microenvironment in Modulation and Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer. Co-Authors: Conner Hartupee, Bolni Marius Nagalo, Mulu Z. Tesfay, Dorota Wyczechowska, Luis Del Valle, Joycelynn Coleman-Barnett, John West, Omeed Moaven. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Louisiana State University (LSU) Health School of Medicine, LSU-LCMC Cancer Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), The Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute, Louisiana Cancer Research Center, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Md Jobayer Hossain, Nemours Chindren's Health, Wilmington. Precision Race-Ethnic Disparity in Mortality Risk in Pediatric Cancers: A Study Using SEER Data. Co-Authors: Zhaoying Lu, Araf Hossain Jahin. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Nemours Children's Health, University of Delaware. CTR, Short Research Presentation
Maria Jesus Ruiz Echevarria, Oklahoma University Health Sciences, Faculty. Towards Identifying Novel Therapies for Prostate Cancer. Co-Authors: Joshua M. Corbin. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Duke University. INBRE, Short Research Presentation
Yun-Seok Choi, Black Hills State University. A general method for the development of quantitative biosensors enables the measurement of free Nedd8. Co-Authors: Zachary Wyatt Davis. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Black Hills State University. INBRE, Short Research Presentation
Adriana Aponte Ramos, Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Bayamon Campus. Exploring Ergosterol Peroxide’s Mechanism of Action on the VCP / ANKZF1 Complex in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Models. Co-Authors: Michelle Martinez Montemayor. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: UCC School of Medicine. CTR, Flash Talk
Sahil Lohana, North Dakota State University. Validation of novel histone deacetylases (HDAC) specific nanoparticles using HDACs overexpressed human embryonic kidney cells. Co-Authors: Yogaraj S Ramakrishnan, Premanand Balraj, Md Rakib Hasan Khan, Sanku Mallik, Venkatachalem Sathish, Quadir Mohiuddin. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Not Listed. INBRE, Flash Talk
Raphael Oladokun, West Virginia University. Dielectrophoretic Characterization and COMSOL Analysis of Late Carcinoma Using PBMCs from MMTV-PyMT (PyMT) and MMTV-WT (WT) Mammary Carcinoma Models. Co-Authors: Soumya Srivastava. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: West Virginia University. INBRE, Flash Talk
Moderator: Jean Yuan, Chief, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Branch, National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Panelist: Xiaoli Zhao, Program Director, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health
Panelist: Fred Prior, Distinguished Professor and Department Chair, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Panelist: Sharon Patrick, Service Manager, West Virginia Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Learn more about NIH-supported repositories and databases. Hear from experienced investigators who have utilized these resources in their research. We invite you to attend this session to learn what databases are available, and the process for accessing and utilizing them for your research.
Moderator: Mercedes Rubio, Branch Chief, National Institute for General Medical Sciences
Panelist: Elizabeth Harrington, Associate Dean Office of Graduate Studies, Professor of Medicine, Brown University
Panelist: Nancy Demore, Professor of Surgery, Medical University of South Carolina
Panelist: Timothy Fields, Director, Kansas Medical Scientist Training Program, Professor and Vice Chair for Research and Faculty Development, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of Kansas Medical Center
Join us for a discussion on building capacity and increasing competitiveness for NIH’s institutionally-supported training programs. Hear from NIH staff and funded Investigators from IDeA states as they share important considerations in institutional eligibility and strategies for being successful. Ask your questions and get advice on how to prepare competitive training proposals.
Join us in the International Ballroom for this exciting session! Check the Poster Pamphlet (available in print, on the NISBRE app, and on the conference website) for a list of this year’s poster presentations. Posters have been assigned at random to increase opportunities for networking across IDeA-programs and cores. Please remember to vote for your favorite poster(s) in the NISBRE People’s Choice Poster Awards available on the NISBRE app. Numerous award categories are available, and winners will be announced during the awards ceremony.
We encourage you to network with colleagues during breakfast. Tables will be held for breakout discussions focused on various topics of interest. No reservations are required. A list of table topics will be available at registration.
Kelvin Lee, Gore Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Director National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals. Navigating Technology and Collaboration for Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Innovation.
Dr. Kelvin Lee is the Gore Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Delaware and is Director of NIIMBL: the National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals. Dr. Lee's keynote address will cover a series of vignettes that highlight the important role that access to core facilities can play in developing a collaborative research program to address issues in biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing as well as vignettes that illustrate how the power of collaboration can be leveraged to accelerate technological innovation to enhance patient access to medicines.
Moderator: Rafael Luna, Head of Biomedical Education & Innovation, Novartis Biomedical Research
Panelist: Amy Franks, Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice, UAMS College of Pharmacy, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Pharmacy
Panelist: Joan Lakoski, Director, Investigator Development and Adjunct Professor, WVU School of Pharmacy, West Virginia University, West Virginia Clinical & Translational Science Institute
Panelist: Judith Weber, Associate Dean for Research and Professor, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Panelist: Charlie Irvin, Professor, University of Vermont
Panelist: Ghada Bourjeily, Director of Women's Research, Lifespan / Brown University
In this session, panelists will offer their experience and expertise in scientific writing and include writing tips and strategies. Panelists will also discuss different models of institutional writing programs and offer pathways to creating innovative national programs.
Co-Chair: Donald Sens, Professor, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Co-Chair: Sharon Rounds, Program Director/Principal Investigator Advance- Rhode Island-CTR, Associate Dean for Translational Science Professor of Medicine and of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Join this session of scientific presentations for a mix of short research presentations (15 minutes) and flash talks (5 minutes). See below for detailed list of presenters and talk titles:
Luz Maria Deardorff, University of Hawai'i Maui College. Environmental Microbes as Indicators of Human Health Risk After the Lahaina Wildfires. Co-Authors: Tara Zamani, Michelle Gould, Sally Irwin, Junnie June, Rachel Wilsey, Jennifer Honda. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Hawai'i Maui College, University of Texas Health Science Center. INBRE, Short Research Presentation
Zachary Redman, University of Alaska Anchorage. Toxicokinetic Investigation of Weathered Microplastics and Their Metabolomic Impacts in Bay Mussels. Co-Authors: Jack Hoen, Monica Brandhuber, Brian DiMento, Logan Weiland, Annette Jarosz, Maile Branson. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: UAA Chemistry, Alutiiq Pride Marine Institute. INBRE, Short Research Presentation
Devin M. Drown, University of Alaska Fairbanks. Impact of Arctic Thaw on Soil Microbial Communities and Emerging Environmental Health Risks. Co-Authors: Bevyn Cover. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Alaska Fairbanks. INBRE, Short Research Presentation
Bikram Subedi, Murray State University. Wastewater Analysis - Near Real Time Approach of Estimating Substance Use. Co-Authors: Anita Sapkota, Durga P. Kodati, Landon Jones, Jusdin Kamuf. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Murray State University, INBRE, Short Research Presentation
Zim Warda Hasan, Western Kentucky University. Effect of Glucocorticoid Blockade on Inflammatory Responses to Acute Sleep Fragmentation in Mice. Co-Authors: Van Thuan Nguyen, Noah T. Ashley. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Western Kentucky University. INBRE, Flash Talk
Mehtap Haktanir Abul, Alpert Medical School Brown University, Rhode Island Hospital. Asthma and Sleep-Related Environmental Factors Contributing to Sleep Awakenings in Urban Children with Asthma. Co-Authors: Sheryl J. Kopel, Shira Dunsiger, Luiz Guzman, Carly Mattice, Sidney Kirchhof, Caroline Gredvig-Ardito, M. Carskadon. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Rhode Island Hospital, Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Bradley-Hasbro Research Center, EP Bradley Hospital Sleep Research Laboratory. CTR, Flash Talk
Sarah Arias, Butler Hospital; Brown University. Challenges and Considerations when using Electronic Health Record Data for Identification of Suicidal Ideation and Behavior. Co-Authors: Ivan W. Miller, Charles Eaton, Richard N. Jones, Elizabeth Chen. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Butler Hospital, Brown University. CTR, Flash Talk
Co-Chair: Elisabet Børsheim, Arkansas Children's Research Institute, University of Arkansas for Medical Science
Co-Chair: Joey Granger, Professor and Director, The University of Mississippi Medical Center
Join this session of scientific presentations for a mix of short research presentations (15 minutes) and flash talks (5 minutes). See below for a detailed list of presenters and talk titles:
Heather Drummond, University of Mississippi Medical Center. Acid sensing ion channel 2 (ASIC2) deficiency increases light cycle ambulatory activity in mice. Co-Authors: Kylie M. Larson, Emily Hildebrandt, Jussara do Carmo. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Mississippi Medical Center. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Bhaswati Kashyap, University of Delaware. Elevated Mitochondrial CD36 and Superoxide Production in Endothelial Cells Exposed to Prolonged High Glucose and Fatty Acids In-vitro. Co-Authors: Thanh Nguyen, Erica Johnson, Ibra S Fancher. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Not Listed. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Ibra S Fancher, University of Delaware. Visceral adipose tissue inhibits endothelial Kir2.1 in obesity via a CD36-dependent mechanism. Co-Authors: Sabita Rokka, Masoumeh Sadeghinejad, Emma C Hudgins, Erica J Johnson, Thanh T Nguyen. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Delaware. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Christopher Johansen PhD, MPH, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Parental acculturation and its association with preschool-aged child's health behaviors among Latinos in Southern Nevada. Co-Authors: Miguel Fudolig, Liliana Davalos, Brisa Rodriguez, Marissa Martinez. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Nevada Las Vegas. INBRE, Short Research Presentation
Andrea Corcoran, Vermont State University - Castleton. CBD in the landscape: Use tendencies and the need for low-dose human physiology studies. Co-Authors: None. INBRE, Flash Talk
Erica J. Johnson, University of Delaware. Subcutaneous adipose arteries exhibit significantly less fatty acid uptake in obesity. Co-Authors: Thanh Nguyen, Sabita Rokka, Caitlin Halbert, Ibra S. Fancher. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Delaware. COBRE, Flash Talk
Co-Chair: Jerome Sanes, Professor, Brown University, Department of Neuroscience
Co-Chair: Jose A. Lasalde-Dominicci, Professor, Director of The University of Puerto Rico COBRE Center for Neuroplasticity, University of Puerto Rico
Join this session of scientific presentations for a mix of short research presentations (15 minutes) and flash talks (5 minutes). See below for a detailed list of presenters and talk titles:
Michael Robichaux, West Virginia University. Misfolded rhodopsin disrupts the ER secretory pathway to the presynaptic terminals of rod photoreceptors in a retinitis pigmentosa mouse model with retinal neurodegeneration. Co-Authors: Samantha Thompson, Sophie Crowder, Emily Sechrest, Wen-Tao Deng. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: West Virginia University. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Barbara Gisabella, University of Mississippi Medical Center. Diurnal Expression Rhythms in the Amygdala of Subjects with Bipolar Disorder, Major Depression and Schizophrenia. Co-Authors: Barbara Gisabella, Harry Pantazopoulos, Robert McCullumsmith, Michael R. Garrett, Rammohan Shukla. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Mississippi Medical Center, University of Toledo, University of Wyoming. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Maj-Linda B Selenica, University of Kentucky. Deciphering eIF5A hypusination: Novel Mechanisms that drive TDP-43 neuropathogenesis in Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementia. Co-Authors: Maj-Linda B. Selenica, Rohan Desai, Christopher Saunders, Patricia Rocha-Rangel, Ramon Sun, Gopal Viswanathan, Patrick Sullivan, Daniel C. Lee, Maj-Linda B. Selenica. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Kentucky, University of Florida. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Xhoela Bame, Dartmouth College. Mitochondrial network reorganization and transient expansion during oligodendrocyte generation. Co-Authors: Robert A. Hill. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Dartmouth College. COBRE, Short Research Presentation
Adam C. Nelson, University of Wyoming. The role of oxytocin neurons of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus in social thermoregulation. Co-Authors: Joe Rogers, Morgane Vandendoren, Jason Landen, Samantha Killmer, Baizar Alamiri, Nicole Bedford. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: University of Wyoming. COBRE, Flash Talk
Haiyue Song, Department of Biostatistics, Brown University. Leverage of Functional Connectivity and Effective Connectivity by Selective Inference with Sample Splitting and fMRI Data. Co-Authors: Ani Eloyan, Youjin Lee. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Brown University. COBRE, Flash Talk
Khadija Kakar, University of South Carolina School of Medicine. Protective Effects of Delta-8-THC Against EAE-Induced Enteric Neuropathy and Neuroinflammation through Regulation of miRNA-Mediated Signaling Networks. Co-Authors: Urmi Halder, Manikandan Palrasu. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Not Listed. COBRE, Flash Talk
Moderator: Clifford Rosen, Professor, MaineHealth Institute for Research
Panelist: Keawe Kaholokula, Contact Multiple Principal Investigator, Professor and Chair, University of Hawaii
Panelist: Keyonna King, Associate Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Panelist: Jennifer Lemacks, Professor, Associate Dean for Research, College of Nursing and Health Professions, School of Health Professions
Panelist: Caroline Compretta, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research, University of Mississippi Medical Center
Learn how to incorporate cutting-edge community engaged approaches into your research. Join in this discussion highlighting successful examples of community engagement across the IDeA regions. Spend time brainstorming your questions with the panel and leave this session with some new ideas for your research program!
Organizer: Julie Benson, Associate Director Alaska INBRE, University of Alaska Fairbanks
This session will focus on individual well-being and answer the following questions: What is well-being? What steps can each person take to create wellness every day? Attendees will learn the ABCs of well-being and leave with an action plan to move forward with their individual wellness.
Co-Moderator: Martha Bickford, Professor, University of Louisville
Co-Moderator: John McDowell, Instructor, Delaware Technical Community College
Panelist: Thomas Huckaba, Professor, Xavier University of Louisiana
Panelist: Paul Kim, Associate Professor, Grambling State University
Panelist: Paul Sorgen, Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Learn about innovative ways to bring research into the classroom. Join this panel to discuss successful examples and new avenues to expand research access for undergraduates. Bring your experiences and ask your questions of this expert group!
Join us for this special lunch event. Winners of NISBRE2024 awards will be announced during the awards ceremony. Award nominees are required to be in attendance to accept their award.
Moderator: Bill Shuttleworth, Distinguished Professor and Department Chair, University of New Mexico School of Medicine
Panelist: Lisa Cassis, Professor, University of Kentucky
Panelist: Margaret Karagas, Professor and Chair of Epidemiology, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Panelist: Susan Lunte, Ralph N. Adams Professor of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Director of COBRE Center for Molecular Analysis of Disease Pathways, University of Kansas
Panelist: Heather Desaire, Professor, University of Kansas
Join us for a two-hour session with experienced NIH reviewers. Hear experts talk about the review process, give their advice about what are often overlooked sections of an application, and provide general tips for proposal success. Learn about finding relevant grant mechanisms and program announcements and gain insight into the grant review and resubmission processes from the reviewer lens. Bring your questions and join in this exciting session!
Moderator: Stephen Wonderlich, Vice President, Chief of Behavioral Health, Sanford Center for Biobehavioral Research
Panelist: Lori Leibold, Program Director, Boys Town National Research Hospital
Panelist: Laura Stroud, Professor, Director, The Miriam Hospital
Panelist: Judith Weber, Associate Dean for Research and Professor, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Panelist: Curtis Noonan, Professor, University of Montana, Center for Population Health Research
Join us for a two-hour session with experienced NIH reviewers. Hear experts talk about the review process, give their advice about what are often overlooked sections of an application, and provide general tips for proposal success. Learn about finding relevant grant mechanisms and program announcements and gain insight into the grant review and resubmission processes from the reviewer lens. Bring your questions and join in this exciting session!
Moderator: Stephen Higgins, Professor, Director, University of Vermont
Panelist: Carmen Cadilla, Professor, University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus
Panelist: Clarissa Henry, Professor, University of Maine
Panelist: Jacqueline Stephens, Professor, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Adipocyte Biology
Join us for a two-hour session with experienced NIH reviewers. Hear experts talk about the review process, give their advice about what are often overlooked sections of an application, and provide general tips for proposal success. Learn about finding relevant grant mechanisms and program announcements and gain insight into the grant review and resubmission processes from the reviewer lens. Bring your questions and join in this exciting session!
Moderator: Michele McGuirl, Acting Director, Division for Research Capacity Building, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Panelist: Josiah Hardesty, Assistant Professor, University of Louisville, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology
Panelist: John Le, Graduate Student, Louisiana State University (School of Veterinary Medicine), Pathobiological Sciences
Panelist: Rebecca Mountain, Staff Scientist, MaineHealth Institute for Research
Panelist: Steven Fiering, Professor Microbiology and Immunology, Program Director, New Hampshire INBRE, Dartmouth, Geisel School of Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology
Join us for a two-hour session with experienced NIH reviewers. Hear experts talk about the review process, give their advice about what are often overlooked sections of an application, and provide general tips for proposal success. Learn about finding relevant grant mechanisms and program announcements and gain insight into the grant review and resubmission processes from the reviewer lens. Bring your questions and join in this exciting session!
Co-Organizer: Lucy Liaw, Professor, MaineHealth Institute for Research
Co-Organizer: Rick Bevins, Rural Drug Addiction Research Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Co-Organizer: Carolyn Bohach, Director of Idaho INBRE, University Distinguished Professor, University of Idaho
Co-Organizer: Scott Seville, NIH IDeA Wyoming INBRE, University of Wyoming
Meet with NIGMS Leadership and connect with INBRE Principal Investigators during this NISBRE2024 session. Spend time connecting with INBRE PIs and share resources for INBRE administration. This is a closed meeting for INBRE PIs.
Organizer: Sharon Rounds, Program Director/Principal Investigator Advance- Rhode Island-CTR, Associate Dean for Translational Science Professor of Medicine and of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Meet with NIGMS Leadership and connect with CTR Principal Investigators during this NISBRE2024 session. Spend time connecting with CTR PIs and share resources for INBRE administration. This is a closed meeting for CTR PIs.