All abstract acceptance emails were sent from the Rural Drug Addiction Research Center (rdar@unl.edu) email address on April 10, 2024. Please check your spam, junk, or trash folders if you have not received a response to your abstract submission. If you have any questions about your abstract submission, please email us at nisbre2024@getvfairs.io.
Join us for the 9th Biennial National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence! There are two ways to participate in this year's NISBRE2024.
Core Facility Poster Presentations provide a venue for Cores to showcase their services and share information about their resources with the IDeA community.
Scientific Presentations provide an opportunity for faculty, staff, and students to share their research through short research presentations, flash talks, and poster presentations. Pre-identified session topics include:
If you don’t see a topic listed here that fits your presentation focus, we still encourage you to submit an abstract. On the abstract submission form, please select ‘Other’ as your 1st choice under the Scientific Area section. You should then specify a topic area that you feel would be a good fit (e.g., substance use, adolescent health, sleep disorders). If appropriate, you may also include a 2nd or 3rd topical area following the same process.
Registration will be required for all abstract submissions. Abstracts submitted for Scientific Presentations will be reviewed by session co-chairs to select talks for Short Research Presentations or Flash Talks. We encourage individuals selected for a Short Research Presentation or Flash Talk to also present a Poster. Submissions not selected for Short Research Presentations or Flash Talks, if appropriate, will be considered for Poster Presentations. All Poster Presentations will be reviewed by the organizing committee. Everyone who submits an abstract to NISBRE2024 will be contacted in mid-April to confirm the status of their submission.
Click on the Submit Abstract button at the bottom of this page to submit your abstract for NISBRE2024! If you have any questions about the abstract submission process, please email us at nisbre2024@getvfairs.io and include “NISBRE2024 Abstract Submission” in your email's subject line.
Important Dates:
January 2024 – Abstract Submission Form(s) and Registration Open
March 22, 2024 – Abstract Deadline - Oral Presentations (Short Research Presentations & Flash-Talks)
April 05, 2024 – Abstract Deadline - Poster Presentations
April 10, 2024 – Email Notification of Accepted Abstracts Sent
June 13, 2024 – Short Research Presentation and Flash Talk Slides Due
NOTE: Content1 will be reaching out to presenters to upload the slides for the NISBRE2024.
June 17-19, 2024 – Short Research Presentations
June 17-19, 2024 – Flash Talks
June 17-18, 2024 – Poster Presentations
Guidelines for Short Research Presentations and Flash Talks
Those selected to participate in the short research presentations should prepare a presentation lasting no longer than fifteen minutes in length (and with a slideshow not to exceed 15 slides). The goal of short research presentations are to provide an overview of research highlights in a particular area. Slides will be required to be submitted by June 13, 2024. (Content1 will be reaching out to presenters to upload the slides for the NISBRE2024)
Those selected to participate in the flash talks will be given five minutes to present their research to the audience (and with a slideshow not to exceed 5 slides). The goal of flash talks are to provide an energetic, fast-paced showcase of a multitude of projects across IDeA mechanisms. Slides will be required to be submitted by June 13, 2024. (Content1 will be reaching out to presenters to upload the slides for the NISBRE2024)
Time and slide limits are in place to ensure that presenters will be able to overview their research within each session’s allotted time (one hour and forty minutes for a total of 4 short research presentations and 3 research flash talks).
Guidelines for Posters
Please note that posters should be no bigger than 42” x 42” to avoid complications during setup. You can choose any the orientation within that size (square, landscape, or portrait). This size is slightly different than what was previously posted on the NISBRE FAQ page. At the conference, presenters will be provided with mounting hardware for your poster (i.e., pushpins, velcro).
A participating author must be present to discuss the scientific work during the poster session assigned.