9th National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE)

June 16-19, 2024

Washington Hilton, Washington DC

We invite you to register and submit scientific abstracts and core facility abstracts for poster presentations and selections for short research and flash presentations. Travel and scientific presentation awards will be selected based on abstract review. Nominations are also open for NISBRE awards to recognize rising stars who are COBRE graduates, outstanding mentors and teachers, excellence in service and mentorship in CTR programs, and an outstanding entrepreneur. Please also consider sponsorship of our meeting.

Download NISBRE Conference Program and Poster Pamphlet: Visit AGENDA Page

Need Help or Have Questions? Check out our FAQs page for answers to frequently asked questions. Can’t find your question on our FAQs page? Connect with us via the chatbot function or send us an email at nisbre2024@getvfairs.io.


Featured Keynote Speakers

Tara A. Schwetz, Ph.D.

Deputy Director for Program Coordination, Planning and Strategic Initiatives, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Tara A. Schwetz | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Gisela Storz, Ph.D.

NIH Distinguished Investigator and Associate Scientific Director, Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology, NICHD, NIH
Gisela Storz | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Kelvin H. Lee, Ph.D.

Gore Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Director-National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharhmaceuticals (NIIMBL)
Kelvin H. Lee (UDEL) | (NIIMBL)


Meet the 2024 Organizing Committee

K. Gus Kousoulas, Ph.D.

Hannelore and Hans Storz Distinguished Professor Head, Department of Pathobiological Sciences Principal Investigator, Louisiana Biomedical Research Network (LBRN) Director of the Division of Biotechnology & Molecular Medicine (BIOMMED) School of Veterinary Medicine Louisiana State University

Rick Bevins, Ph.D., Co-Chair

Rural Drug Addiction Research COBRE PI, Chancellor’s Professor & Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Carolyn Hovde Bohach, Ph.D.

Director of Idaho INBRE University Distinguished Professor University of Idaho

Lucy Liaw, Ph.D.

COBRE PI of Mesenchymal and Neural Regulation of Metabolic Networks,
Maine Senior Scientist and Director of Research Education and Training
MaineHealth Institute for Research

Scott Seville, Ph.D.

President NAIPI; Director, NIH IDeA Wyoming INBRE
University of Wyoming

Sharon Rounds, MD

PD/PI Advance- RI-CTR
Associate Dean for Translational Science
Professor of Medicine and of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University

Krishan Arora, Ph.D.

Chief of the Networks and Development Programs Branch in the Division for Research Capacity Building, NIH

Michele McGuirl, Ph.D.

Acting Director of the Division for Research Capacity Building, NIGMS-NIH


Meet the Organizing Support Team (NISBRE2024)

Devan Crawford

Director of Research Strategy- Rural Drug Addiction Research COBRE, University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Ojasvi Dutta

 Program Manager and Assistant Director- Dvision of Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine (BIOMMED)- Louisiana Biomedical Research Network (LBRN), Louisiana State University; Coordinator- National Association of IDeA Principal Investigators (NAIPI)

Alexis Noah

Event and Program Associate- Rural Drug Addiction Research COBRE, University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Bratie Leary

Business Coordinator- Dvision of Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine (BIOMMED)- Louisiana Biomedical Research Network (LBRN), Louisiana State University




